24 research outputs found

    Género y jerarquizaciones : la movilidad social en la migración de las mujeres mexicanas cualificadas

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    ¿Por qué la posición social de las mujeres mexicanas cualificadas que migran a Estados Unidos descende? ¿Cuál es la relación entre la inserción en el mercado laboral y la movilidad social? A partir de estas preguntas de investigación, se estudian los mecanismos que subyacen la inserción de las mujeres mexicanas cualificadas en un sistema sociolaboral estratificado. El punto de vista que se considera más apropiado para lograr este propósito, es el que une el análisis de género a variables cuales la clase social y el origen nacional. El resultado es la visibilización de dinámicas, que concurren a la formación de nuevas estructuras jerárquicas donde las mujeres migrantes ocupan un determinado espacio sociolaboral.Why does social position of skilled Mexican women, who migrate to the United States, decrease? Which is the relationship between integration into the labor market and social mobility? Based on these research questions, we study the mechanisms underlying the inclusion of skilled Mexican women in a stratified social and labor system. To achieve this purpose, we consider appropriate linking gender analysis to variables such as social class and national origin. The result is the visibility of dynamics that contributes to the formation of new hierarchical structures, where migrant women occupy a specific social and labor space

    La Dimensión como Estrategia Empresarial

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    This paper analyzes the possible differences in the economic-financial situation of family organizations based on the business dimension. Then, we focus our analysis on SMEs to analyse the influence of the dimension in their performance. For this, information belonging to a large sample composed of 21,149 family businesses and 5,737 non-family businesses in Spain corresponding to the period 2003–2015 is studied. The conclusions obtained show that, although the increase in the dimension of the family organizations is positively related to their performance, there are limits beyond which the value of certain economic-financial indicators can be negatively affected. This behavior is not observed in non-family businesses.Este trabajo analiza las posibles diferencias existentes en la situación económico-financiera de las empresas familiares en función de la dimensión empresarial. Seguidamente, centrando nuestro análisis en las pymes, analizamos la influencia que ejerce la dimensión en su desempeño. Para ello, se estudia información perteneciente a una amplia muestra formada por 21149 empresas familiares y 5737 no familiares españolas correspondiente al periodo 2003-2015. Las conclusiones obtenidas muestran que, a pesar de que el aumento de la dimensión de la empresa familiar está relacionado positivamente con su desempeño, existen unos límites a partir de los cuales el valor de determinados indicadores económico-financieros puede verse afectado negativamente, a diferencia de lo observado para las empresas no familiares

    El papel de la alta formación escolar en la inserción de las mujeres migrantes mexicanas

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    En una época en la que la movilidad de los individuos es parte estructural del contexto en el que hombres y mujeres actúan, nos preguntamos si la posesión de un alto nivel escolar incide en la inserción de los sujetos en las sociedades receptoras. Para ser más precisos nos interrogamos sobre si la alta formación profesional puede ser un parámetro para determinar la inclusión de las y los migrantes en el mercado laboral de los países de llegada. Para contestar a nuestras preguntas, consideramos pertinente el uso del enfoque interseccional basado en el análisis relacional del género, la posición social y el origen nacional con el objetivo de generar un punto de vista que contemple los diferentes niveles del análisis. El contexto de estudio es el incluido entre el espacio social transnacional Monterrey (México)- Houston (Estados Unidos) donde, con el propósito de desarrollar un análisis cualitativo, se han entrevistado mujeres mexicanas migrantes con estudios universitarios. Los datos recogidos muestran que el nivel escolar, así como la posición social no son elementos que pueden fácilmente transnacionalizarse, es decir no tienen la capacidad de cruzar fronteras, al contrario del origen nacional que termina por caracterizar las mujeres mexicanas estigmatizándolas. En efecto, se trata de un proceso que se construye en el interior de las esferas políticas y económicas, donde la inserción de las y los migrantes no depende del capital cultural poseído sino de las necesidades del sistema productivo.At a time when the mobility of individuals is a structural part of the context in which men and women act, we wonder whether the possession of a high school level affects the insertion of subjects in the receiving societies. To be more precise, we ask ourselves whether high professional training can be a parameter to determine the inclusion of migrants in the labor market of the countries of arrival. To answer these questions, we consider relevant the use of the intersectional approach based on the relational analysis of gender, social position and national origin in order to generate a point of view that considers the different levels of analysis. The study context is the one included between the transnational social space Monterrey (Mexico) - Houston (UnitedStates) where, with the purpose to develop a qualitative analysis, Mexican skilled migrant women have beeninterviewed. The data collected show that the school level, as well as the social position, are not elements that can be easily transnationalized, that is, they do not have the capacity to cross borders, contrary to the national origin that ends up characterizing Mexican women stigmatizing them. It is a process that is built within the political and economic spheres, where the insertion of migrants does not depend on the cultural capital possessed but on the needs of the productive system

    Género y desarrollo humano: El caso de la migración de las mujeres cualificadas en Italia

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    According to the UN objectives aimed at promoting human development, work can be a positive factor for its realization. However, if we focus on the labour insertion of skilled migrant women we observe that this is not always done according to the level of the education. In many cases, it promotes a declassification process. On the contrary, often the decrease in social position in the host country is functional to the strengthening of the social position in the country of origin through remittances or savings. Starting from these ambiguities, we propose some reflections on the relationship between human development and the migration of skilled women.Según los objetivos de la ONU dirigidos a promover el desarrollo humano, el trabajo puede ser un factor positivo para su realización; sin embargo, si nos enfocamos en la inserción laboral de las mujeres migrantes cualificadas observamos que no siempre esta se realiza de acuerdo al nivel de los estudios. En muchos casos, se asiste a un proceso de desclasamiento. Por el contrario, a menudo el descenso de la posición social en el país de asentamiento resulta funcional al fortalecimiento de la posición social en el país de origen a través de las remesas o los ahorros. Partiendo de estas ambigüedades, proponemos algunas reflexiones en torno a la relación entre el desarrollo humano y la migración de las mujeres cualificadas.         &nbsp

    Influencia de la Razón Social en el Desempeño Económico de las Empresas Familiares: Análisis en Función de la Etapa Generacional

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    A family identity of a firm, exhibited by the presence of the family name in the business name, can influence the value of economic profitability. The present analysis also explores if this relationship varies depending on the size and the generation running the business. The sample used to conduct this study comprises a panel data set of 21,149 Spanish family firms containing information from 2003 to 2015, which translates into a balanced database including 274,937 observations. For analysis purposes, the firms are classified into small, medium-sized and large ones. Contrary to the competitive advantages brought about by the family identity of the businesses highlighted by previous research, the current study suggests its negative effects on the profitability of small and medium-sized family firms. This effect is more acute when the company is managed by its founding generation. The findings in the case of large family firms indicate that the company name does not have an impact upon economic profitability.La identidad familiar de la empresa, manifestada a través de la presencia del nombre familiar en su razón social, puede influenciar el valor de su rentabilidad económica. Se analiza si esta relación varía en función de la dimensión empresarial, así como de la etapa generacional a cargo de la organización. La muestra objeto de análisis está compuesta por pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas familiares. El estudio contempla un extenso panel de datos con información de 21149 empresas familiares españolas desde el año 2003 hasta el 2015, obteniendo una base de datos equilibrada compuesta por 274937 observaciones. Contrariamente a las ventajas competitivas señaladas por investigaciones anteriores, el presente estudio señala un efecto negativo de la identidad familiar de la organización sobre la rentabilidad de las pymes familiares. Este efecto es más acentuado cuando la organización es gestionada por la generación fundadora. Los resultados en el caso de las empresas de mayor dimensión indican que tener una razón social familiar no influye sobre el valor de la rentabilidad económica

    L’approccio intersezionale e quello transnazioanle nello studio dei flussi migratori: elementi per una proposta analitica

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    In a society in which migratory flows are becoming increasingly complex, we consider the intersectional approach and the transnational analysis the theoretical models best suited to carry out a thorough study of these phenomena. In spite of this, their structure requires a critical revision so that, on the one hand, the full applicability of these systems to the wide variety of cultural contexts of which migrants are brought, and on the other an integrated analytical system is created to articulate the study of the hierarchical systems that regulate the access of migrants in the arrival societies, to the transnational space in which they move.In una società in cui i flussi migratori stanno acquisendo sempre maggiore complessità, consideriamo l’approccio intersezionale e l’analisi transnazionale i modelli teorici maggiormente adatti a svolgere uno studio approfondito di tali fenomeni. Malgrado ciò, la loro struttura richiede una revisione critica affinché, da una parte, si realizzi la piena applicabilità di questi sistemi alla ampia varietà dei contesti culturali dei quali sono portatori i migranti, e dall’altra si crei un sistema analitico integrato per articolare lo studio dei sistemi gerarchici che regolano l’accesso dei migranti nelle società d’arrivo, allo spazio transnazionale nel quale si muovono

    Towards a Solution to Create, Test and Publish Mixed Reality Experiences for Occupational Safety and Health Learning: Training-MR

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    Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, Human Augmentation, virtual reality, or mixed reality have been rapidly implemented in Industry 4.0, as they improve the productivity of workers. This productivity improvement can come largely from modernizing tools, improving training, and implementing safer working methods. Human Augmentation is helping to place workers in unique environments through virtual reality or mixed reality, by applying them to training actions in a totally innovative way. Science still has to overcome several technological challenges to achieve widespread application of these tools. One of them is the democratisation of these experiences, for which is essential to make them more accessible, reducing the cost of creation that is the main barrier to entry. The cost of these mixed reality experiences lies in the effort required to design and build these mixed reality training experiences. Nevertheless, the tool presented in this paper is a solution to these current limitations. A solution for designing, building and publishing experiences is presented in this paper. With the solution, content creators will be able to create their own training experiences in a semiassisted way and eventually publish them in the Cloud. Students will be able to access this training offered as a service, using Microsoft HoloLens2. In this paper, the reader will find technical details of the Training-MR, its architecture, mode of operation and communicatio

    Traceable Ecosystem and Strategic Framework for the Creation of an Integrated Pest Management System for Intensive Farming

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    The appearance of pests is one of the major problems that exist in the growth of crops, as they can damage the production if the appropriate measures are not taken. Within the framework of the Integrated Pest Management strategy (IPM), early detection of pests is an essential step in order to provide the most appropriate treatment and avoid losses. This paper proposes the architecture of a system intensive farming in greenhouses featuring the ability to detect environmental variations that may favour the appearance of pests. This system can suggest a plan or treatment that will help mitigate the effects that the identified pest would produce otherwise. Furthermore, the system will learn from the actions carried out by the humans throughout the different stages of crop growing and will add it as knowledge for the prediction of future actions. The data collected from sensors, through computer vision, or the experiences provided by the experts, along with the historical data related to the crop, will allow for the development of a model that contrasts the predictions of the actions that could be implemented with those already performed by technicians. Within the technological ecosystems in which the Integrated Pest Management systems develop their action, traceability models must be incorporated. This will guarantee that the data used for the exploitation of the information and, therefore for the parameterization of the predictive models, are adequate. Thus, the integration of blockchain technologies is considered key to provide them with security and confidence

    Uncles ex Machina: Familial Epiphany in Euripides' Electra

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    At the close of Euripides’ Electra, the Dioscuri suddenly appear ‘on high’ to their distraught niece and nephew, who have just killed their mother, the divine twins’ mortal sister. This is in fact the second longest extant deus ex machina (after the final scene in Hippolytus), and the only scene in which a tragedian attempts to resolve directly the aftermath of the matricide. In this article, I argue that Castor's and Polydeuces’ sudden apparition to Orestes and Electra constitutes a specialised point of intersection between the mortal and immortal realms in Greek tragedy: familial epiphany, an appearance by a god who has an especially intimate relationship with those on stage. Euripides’ focus on the familial divine as a category accentuates various contradictions inherent to both ancient Greek theology and dramaturgy. The Dioscuri are a living paradox, ambiguously traversing the space between dead heroes and gods, managing at the same time to occupy both. They oscillate uniquely between the mortal and immortal worlds, as different sources assign different fathers to each brother, and others speak of each one possessing divinity on alternate days. As I propose, the epiphany of these ambiguous brothers crystallises the problem of the gods’ physical presence in drama. Tragedy is the arena in which gods burst suddenly into the mortal realm, decisively and irrevocably altering human action. The physical divine thus tends to be both marginal and directorial, tasked with reining in the plot or directing its future course. The appearance of the familial divine, on the other hand, can in fact obscure the resolution and future direction of a play, undermining the authority of the tragic gods. In the specific case of Electra, I contend that the involvement of the Dioscuri, who are Electra's and Orestes’ maternal uncles, produces a sense of claustrophobia at the close of the play, which simultaneously denies the resolution that is expected from a deus ex machina while also revealing the pessimistic nature of what is typically considered a reassuringly ‘domestic’ and character driven drama

    Functions of nitric oxide-mediated post-translational modifications under abiotic stress

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    Environmental conditions greatly impact plant growth and development. In the current context of both global climate change and land degradation, abiotic stresses usually lead to growth restriction limiting crop production. Plants have evolved to sense and respond to maximize adaptation and survival; therefore, understanding the mechanisms involved in the different converging signaling networks becomes critical for improving plant tolerance. In the last few years, several studies have shown the plant responses against drought and salinity, high and low temperatures, mechanical wounding, heavy metals, hypoxia, UV radiation, or ozone stresses. These threats lead the plant to coordinate a crosstalk among different pathways, highlighting the role of phytohormones and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS). In particular, plants sense these reactive species through post-translational modification (PTM) of macromolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, and fatty acids, hence triggering antioxidant responses with molecular implications in the plant welfare. Here, this review compiles the state of the art about how plant systems sense and transduce this crosstalk through PTMs of biological molecules, highlighting the S-nitrosylation of protein targets. These molecular mechanisms finally impact at a physiological level facing the abiotic stressful traits that could lead to establishing molecular patterns underlying stress responses and adaptation strategies